Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's Safe, I Promise

This winter's weather has been strange.  During December and January, we had unusually warm weather -- in fact, one day in January it was 65 degrees and an actual baseball game broke out among some of the 9-year old boys in town.  And so far, we have had virtually no snow (at least until tonight and tomorrow).  But over the last couple of weeks, we have been paying for the warm early winter weather.  We went almost two weeks without the temperature getting above freezing, and had several nights of single-digit lows, and wind chills below zero.  If there is a silver lining, it is that there are several spots on the lakes in town that are frozen absolutely solid.  When this happens, there is a phenomenon that is absolutely foreign to a transplanted Southerner like me -- people actually ice skate on the lakes!  We dipped our toes into the water, so to speak, over the weekend, and took the kids out for a little skating.  Mostly, they had fun, although Matthew refused  for a while to even leave the van, true to his Southern roots.  I got some nice pictures, which I hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures.  I'm glad to see that everyone remained more or less upright, at least when the photos were taken.  Can't say I envy you the temperatures, but ice skating does look like fun.