Sunday, May 17, 2009

Matthew Starts T-Ball

Here's a picture of Matthew all dressed and ready for his first day of T-Ball. He's been at it for a few weeks now, and let's just say he's got a long way to go to reach the level of David or Stephen. But he sure looks cute!

Easter 2009

We had a very quiet Easter this year, but a very nice one nonetheless. Despite the relative quiet and calm in the State of Nature, the Easter Bunny did find us, hiding Easter baskets, and eggs throughout the house. We also did our traditional egg dying/painting on Holy Saturday (see photo above). On Easter Sunday, I broke somewhat from the normal cuisine for this occasion, and deep fried a turkey. Although high winds, made the frying somewhat challenging, I managed to complete the task safely, and the finished product was fabulous.

For more pictures of the fun, click here.