Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dat's a gooood fiiish!!!

Check this out from today's Washington Post:



Thursday, June 30, 2005; Page C14

Bigger Fish to Fry

· A fish as big as a bear was caught by villagers in northern Thailand, according to a report released yesterday. The 646-pound Mekong giant catfish, caught last month, is believed to be the largest freshwater fish ever seen.

"An astonishing find," said Zeb Hogan, who heads a World Wildlife Fund and National Geographic Society project to study large freshwater fish. "It's amazing to think that giants like this still swim in some of the world's rivers."


The nine-foot catfish, an adult male, died before it could be returned to the Mekong River, so the villagers -- not wanting to pass up a good meal -- ate it.


I wonder how much oil it took for them to fry that baby up!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Baseball in Washington!!

Last weekend, I opened my Father's Day card to find tickets for the whole family (except Matthew) to see the Washington Nationals.  Sunday we went out to historic RFK Stadium to watch the home team take on the Toronto Blue Jays.  The Nats lost, but it didn't matter.  Seeing a real, live Major League Baseball game in Washington, DC, was a major treat, no matter the outcome.  Of course, I did not forget my camera!

David's Birthday Party

Saturday afternoon, David and eight of his friends enjoyed a laser tag party in honor of David's 8th birthday.  It is hard to imagine anything that a group of second grade boys would enjoy more -- particularly when it's 90 degrees outside!  It was too dark to get pictures of the action, but here are some of the downtime.

Every Girl Loves a Horse

Saturday morning, Nina went with her friend Maggie to Maggie's riding lesson.  Nina even got to ride a horse for the first time!  Here are some shots of the fun.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Uncle John is in da Howze!!

John paid us a very nice visit while in the DC area earlier this week on business.  He came over for dinner after flying in from San Diego and, as you can see in these pictures, even found time to relax with Stephen, Matthew and a good book.

Downing Street Memo

I am finding it very difficult to understand why the American public is not more upset about this.  I suppose we have reached the point where we're more concerned about a pop star's legal troubles than we are with proof that our president led us to war under false pretenses.  If you don't believe it, read the actual text of the document linked above.  It's not so-called "liberal media" spin -- it's right there in black and white.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Big Weekend

Last weekend was eventful, to say the least.  It started with David's Cub Scout campout at Little Bennett State Park 30 minutes from DC.  Let's just say it was pretty mild stuff by many people's (Uncle Rob's) standards, but it tested the bounds of my outdoorsman abilities.  I did accomplish the one essential task:  With David's help, I erected a tent that stayed up through the night!  We came home Sunday morning, and later that day, David had his last baseball game of the year, after which everyone hung around for food and the all-important distribution of trophies.  Here are pictures of all the fun.